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How do I build a successful business online?

Everyone wants to be successful in their life. Have you ever browsed YouTube and searched hours for the promised land? This Blog will break down what those videos mean for your success and how you will not gain anything from watching them.

Did you know that you can buy subscribers, traffic, followers, & likes from any social media platform? Just because a YouTuber has 1 million followers means absolutely nothing. Yes, you may find great content promising you great wealth. If you do this, you can make $500 a day. What those people are not telling you is they started out being rich. Those owned or rented Lamborghinis, Mansions, and fancy jewelry are all rented for the video shoots.

People believe most of what they see online, and if someone is sitting in an exotic sports car, they must be doing something right. You click on their paid advertisement, buying their course. In tiny letters in the description, it says. "Not intended to help you achieve success in your own business, or you should not expect the same results.

Why would you ever think people using a platform like YouTube were not already wealthy?

Building a successful brand is demanding work. Nothing in life should be worth only the 'value' of money. Let me explain this concept a little better. Not everyone in life is born with a silver spoon in their mouths 'a few are dirt poor. So, do you want to add substance to your brand? Give people what they need help for their lives.

People look on the internet for two things: Pleasure and Value. Examples: If you want to get away from the chaos in your home, you go to Twitter and tweet about daily gossip. People take pleasure in making others feel the way they are feeling. If you see someone being hateful, disrespectful, or downright evil, their home life stinks. They have a controlling (or lack of) home life. They were also bullied in school and never stepped foot in a church. If you do not respect people on or offline, you can blame this on your parents growing up.

This concept could work for both sides of this society fence. If you head off to work and stop in at your local coffee shop, you will find yourself on Facebook sharing that cup of coffee with friends. Pleasure comes in all forms, but for a few, they take this a bit too far when it comes to social media. There are some powerful keyboard warriors in the social media world.

Your success in branding will depend on you as a professional. If you say you are going to do something, then do it. If you promote a product for sale, it better be better than the other thousands of the same products for sale online. What makes you stand out above the crowd? Why would a customer buy from you instead of your competition?

Do you know what makes most people quit before getting to the finish line? The work is too hard for educated people. People want to live an easy life, taking care of family, friends, and pets. People do not want to work for anything anymore.

No one likes being tugged through the dirt every day, and most people hate to fail at things. When people find a crossroads in business, they give up, taking on those boring jobs for the next 30 years, not living their dreams. One day, when they are 70, they realize their life is almost over, leaving nothing carried out from dreaming.

Top (10) Ideas to Never Forget When building your Online Business.

  1. Make Your Brand Different Than the Rest (Stand out)

  2. Never Quit (If you fail, get back up and keep going)

  3. Be Consistent

  4. Get Away from Negative People (family or friends)

  5. Read & Learn

  6. Research your Niche

  7. Believe In Yourselves

  8. If you say you are going to do it then get it done.

  9. Get a Mentor Someone who has achieved success

  10. Think Outside the Box (Give Value in what others are missing)

The list above will help guide you in having a successful online business. Show up and do the work, even when you want to take a nap or go outside with friends. Get on your computer, putting in time to keep all promises made to your customers.

Build an empire of wealth for your future. When you are in your 50's, your friends will be working for you. This could happen sooner than this, depending on your business structure or concept.

Why Have you not sold anything online?

YouTube videos about making money or watching those long-winded- Facebook videos make you feel helpless in striving for your future. Focus on gaining the trust of your customer base. Making money will not happen right away, and if you focus too much of your attention on this area, your business will always fail. People on social media make it look easy to make millions. No one ever started making millions unless they were already making that kind of money before YouTube.

It is never about making money. How does this look to your customer if you are only worried about making money? Will they come back and buy from you? Would you buy from a company that only cared about taking your money?

Why am I not making any money online?

  • Your Focus is on making money and not your customer.

  • No Traffic to your website.

  • You are watching YouTube videos about making money.

  • You are spending too much time on other things.

  • You do not want it bad enough.

  • You are trying to find the easy path.

  • You have no patience with your business.

When you have no traffic at your website, it will never make any money online. You could buy traffic for your online business, yet this does nothing to help sell anything. These actions will only direct people to your site from outside sources. Do you think those people you are buying traffic from really care about your business? They sit at their computers all day, collecting or buying emails from unsuspecting people. These emails are collected and then sold to you. Buying traffic will only make the companies you buy it from money, not you.

Watching YouTube videos is good sometimes. You will never believe in your success if you keep trying to do it someone else way. Take the time and find your way.

You could use someone else's advice, but never believe something just because it is on YouTube. If you wanted your business to grow, you would be working every chance you had to achieve that success. People give up on their dreams and never finish what they had started. Having patience is the key to your business model of making money online. Slow down and take your time when structuring your niche. If or when you fail, get right back up and continue your successful ride into the light.

How do I know when to give up on my dreams?

People have tons of different answers to this question. What makes you want something with all your heart and give up on it? How could you know the answer to this question unless you have already given up?

If the coffee drinker can succeed with my business online, you can achieve it. Have you ever read any of my other posts on this website? Please go back and read all the blog posts.

Dreaming is something we all will do at some point in our lives. If you want something enough, you will get it. The problem is not the question. You can turn to one website that will tell you to quit, and you will drop everything and be finished with your business online. Stop what you are doing and listen to this.

Never give up on anything you believe in with your online business. Quitting is not an option for your dreams. Never listen to people who do not believe in your success. Listen to that voice in your head. The one that keeps telling you to get back to work.

Thank you for reading this blog.

I hope you gained knowledge from this piece about being successful online.

I hope to hear from you in the comments below.

The Coffee Drinker.

The Coffee Drinker Photography page link below. Over (14,000) views and counting.

PSS. Here are a few of the custom Designed pieces being added to my online store. These were made with the coffee drinker in mind.


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