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How to write 365 Blog posts in one year.

Sometimes in life, we see a whole side of something that pertains to how we feel about one thing but do not recognize what it could become until we start the process. Drinking coffee is what most people in the world do, and there are thousands of blogs about doing just that, ‘drinking coffee. How are we different than those regular blogs about coffee?

Making this promise to write (365) blog posts in one year is no easy task, but if you have something to inform people about, then it should be doable. If you enjoy doing something with your time while drinking coffee, you can relate to more people than not. Everyone in all occupations has something going on with their lives, and with guidance, you can get through it.

Coming from a person that has seen the back end of prison bars, was homeless, been abused, mistreated by friends, and the police in the past. I can relate to most people in this world. This blog was not built from buying followers, customers, or traffic.

The start of a refreshing summer day with fishing poles in hand, grabbing for that thermos of coffee before heading out the door. You just know the fish are biting today. As you climb into your ‘old’ chevy (4x4), you are off to your (favorite) fishing hole. Fishing is something this old boy loves doing, and it really helps the mind relax from the chaos in our lives Monday-Friday. Pulling up to the spot no one ever fishes, grabbing for your poles, just realizing you left the fishing poles on the deck at home.

A green truck pulls up behind you, with an older man rising to ask if he can see your license. Reaching over in the glove compartment to get your wallet. You are sparked to find out your wallet is somewhere between the couch and the kitchen table. While trying to explain the situation to the wildlife officer hoping for a break, he reaches in to write you a ticket, after calling the Police department to your location on his (handheld) radio.

After the tow company comes to get your vehicle and brings you home, you notice the mysterious wallet everyone was looking for had slid behind your truck seat. Not just that, you see the bulging of fishing rods and reels protruding out under a warming blanket in the same spot as the wallet laid. You never leave home without supplies, and after your truck broke down last week, that blanket has never left your side.

This story goes out to everyone in the world that loves life and drinking coffee. This was all on me. If I had thought about placing those rods and reels in the truck the night before. Only if I had looked for my wallet. My fishing trip would not have cost me ($345) that day. Not everything in life is (black and white).

There will never be a YouTube video or Coffee blogging website that shares real stories about their lives. I will never show (fake) expensive cars or homes on this site. People care about likes, follows, subscribers, and views. I care about you, ‘the coffee drinker. If you work your tail off every day to make ends meet, or you are disabled and trying to make it in life. The Coffee Drinker blog wants you here.

Let us break down how it could be possible to write (365) blog posts in (1) year. We must believe in our success to ever see the finish line of something of value. Let us go on this journey together.

Focus on your Consistency

People want to know if you are going to be present. If you show up when you are supposed to every day, this will net you people who want to hear your message. If you promise to deliver (365) blog posts in a year it has to happen coffee drinkers. Your credibility perishes when you say something and do not do it.

Follow your niche and look for research articles about that area. Never plagiarize anything when writing, and always cite credit for who wrote it.

Drinking Coffee and Blogging every day has taught me discipline. Everyone around me in the small town never supports my ideas. People go about their lives, working 'boring' jobs and not seeing past normal. My family has never subscribed to my blogs, bought my books, or supported me through social media.

Writing (365) blog posts in (1) year will be challenging, but it must be done to show 'you the coffee drinker I care about your life.

Let us have fun with this challenge and learn something new every day from each blog post and from each other. Talking about coffee will be included in every blog post.

Enjoy what you are writing about

You must be proud of what you are writing. If you go to work every day and never see beyond the parking lot of that job? How would you ever believe in what it takes to own a business one day?

Writing should be about desire, passion, love, and stability. Your home life can play a role in your success as a writer. Kicking back in your recliner, watching the wife cook supper, as the children run around the room. It is not the ideal writer's paradise.

This journey started on the ragged bench seat of my pick-up truck. My mom loved writing, and her passion for this career took off inside my soul. The feeling you get after a long day of work, hearing nothing but the rustling of the leaves as your tiny children play in the trees.

After gaining enough traction, my life came to where my hands rest now. Most people in life never get fair treatment for success. Living can be tiresome and challenging for humanity, but we keep pushing on until we see the value in ourselves. Building something from nothing is not easy, and most people fail because it is too hard.

Having learned the hard way about life and living in a tent has shown me how life can go. Writing brought me out of those dark and chilly days of being alone in these old barren woods. You must feel the words as they spread across the pages on your computer screen. Having the desire to share with the world your passion can help others achieve that same tranquil existence.

Write about your life, job, journey, soul, or whatever you love and enjoy. You can pursue (365) blog posts without a glitch in one year. Focus on your daily enrichment. Bring your peace down upon the pages of your manuscript. Let your soul rejoice in knowing you live and breathe for these selfless words. Help others with your writing, show others a path to their salvation.

I Challenge You to write (365) Blog Posts in one Year.

Can you accomplish such a feat? Is it possible to write every day of the year? This journey for me will start on (02/02/2022). Each blog post will be a minimum of (1200) (Researched) words every day starting on 02/02/2022 and will end on (02/01/2023).

Join me on this extraordinary adventure. Let your soul shine as your fingers fill in those blanks with each (written) word. Try to look at this as a part of your life to be shared with the world. I will see you at the finish line 'coffee drinkers.

Thank you

The Coffee Drinker

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