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End of the World Checklist for Dummies

What do you think should be on the list for the end of the world? We all know the average (Water, Food, Band-Aids) supplies that should be mandatory. You would be surprised at people nowadays surviving the apocalypse. Most folks around here would be in line waiting for help from our government. We have a few country legends that could survive the end. People are townies (people who have never even camped before).

Surviving is (not) parked at a campground in your ($350,000) RV. Do you know of people like this? If you have all the amenities from home 'is this camping?

Surviving the end comes at a cost, but not what you may think.

The values of the internet, gaming channels, driving cars (Automobiles), taking hot baths, or any other (taken for granted) interest would be gone. How you view the world now 'is how you will live in it after the (you know what) has hit the fan. Does this statement make sense to you? If you live on welfare, grabbing everything you can for free, you will rely on the government to save you. If you have worked your whole life, the end comes without notice. You and your family will find a way to survive it. It is an unpleasant fact people do not realize.

Let us say you wake up from a dreamy-filled night and find all your electricity is out. You grab your phone, but the lines are all dead. In panic mode, you reach over and wake your wife placing fear in her eardrums of what has happened. You both gather up your daily supplies, rushing out the door to find your car. Your neighbors are on their lawns asleep (curled up like a baby). John in the house next door is glaring at his coffee pot, wondering why it will not come on, pushing the buttons repeatedly (cursing aloud).

You and the wife rush into the seats of your SUV, clicking the starter switch with nothing happening.

What will you do now?

You have no electricity, your car will not start, and your cellphones are dead? What supplies will you need that is not on your (already) to-do list?

The top (10) Items to have when the world ends.

  • Topsoil (miracle grow infused)

  • Extra Parts (For any mechanical Item).

  • Pallets of wood boards

  • Plastic (spoons, forks, & Knives + Paper Plates

  • Yearly Vegetables (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, blackberries, garlic, watercress, and asparagus.

  • Blankets (throws, comforters, and quilts)

  • Waterproof spray

  • Flex seal spray (any plastic coating products)

  • Lighters (Matches)

  • Skills (Learn something others will need)

Have you thought about any of the items listed above?

Not everyone thinks about the simple things we already have readily available. Hopefully, you will prepare yourselves for what (may) happen in your lifetime.

What if you and your family live in the city?

The first thing you need to do is get out as quickly (quietly) as you can. Gangs will control large cities and towns when the end is near. You can check online and find a piece of property for as little as ($2000). That property could be your bug-out location, where you could build on it.

If the ground is poor for growing anything, you will need Topsoil for planting your fruits and vegetables. What would it hurt to buy (20) bags of this soil to use in case of an emergency?

If you are using a generator, the belt snaps, leaving you wishing for replacement parts but not having any would be terrible for you. Think ahead and buy spare parts for any mechanical equipment you will be using when the world is no more.

If you are a builder, you know how great wooden boards are to have. You can go to your local sawmill and pick up (2) pallets of wood for ($400). Having extra wood for building (raised gardens, dog houses, homes, and traps) could be valuable for your family's survival.

Everyone must eat, and unless you want to hand-wash your utensils every day, plastic silverware is a must-have. You could use (aluminum foil), making for a great surface to eat on, but who wants to do this every day, right? I could write a whole blog about the use of aluminum foil. We will not go through the complete list of items above. You can guess how much you will need them if the world ends.

Are you wondering what skills you could learn in a brief period? There are thousands of skills we could do today. Your skills could be something as simple as cooking & cleaning something. You enjoy talking to people. This skill could come in handy for negotiations in the end (or get you shot on sight). Let us list a few short-learned skills below. You can go online and Google (free) skill training online. You would be astonished at the websites willing to teach you something for free.

Skills needed (short-learned) to learn now.

  • How do I start fires with wood sticks?

  • How can I build raised gardens?

  • How do I make a waterproof shelter?

  • How can I make traps for hunting wild animals?

  • How do I make homemade bread on a wood stove?

You might think the listed skills above are not skills. If you cannot do or build something others can, 'what is this called (a Skill) or the lack of having one.

If the (you know what) ever hits the fan, relying on the government to save you. Get ready to be let down if you believe this. The powerful will look after each other. You will be left searching for salvation but ending with disaster. If you rely on the government now and think that this blog helped wake you up. I am proud that you will take steps to gain the upper hand for your future.

In closing:

Remember, always look out for what matters the most. When the world ends, everyone will be scavenging for their supplies. It is up to you to determine if you let them take your belongings. Only the strong will survive the end of time. Are you going to Live for your family's future? Will you be ready for anything to happen? Will you learn a skill to offer others for trade?

Let me know in the comments if you are prepping for the end. Let me know if this article helps you prepare better.

Thank you, coffee drinkers.

Next up for tomorrow - What are the (Best) tasting Cold Coffee brands?

The Coffee Drinker Shoes (The Coffee Drinker in Gold on the outsides of each shoe). I designed these shoes with you in mind. I cannot wait to see how these look on you.

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