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How do we know we are not already dead?

Would you change your life if you found out this earth was (Heaven & Hell)? What if we lived the same life repeatedly forever? Maybe Aliens are controlling our functions (remote control). Sit back and enjoy the view. This world just got a little crazier. Could you imagine living the same existence repeatedly? Join me on this ride through weird. Crazy. And downright Insanity. Coffee Drinkers...You have been

Facts About Life & Death.

We are alive one minute and dead the next. People have been wondering for years about life and death. If we look inward and see that electrical currents are present I ourselves. What if we are already dead, being controlled by an outward force of nature? Billionaires have searched the universe for a miracle (never-ending) cure for death. People believe in higher power because most people do not want to die. When those people die, they must believe in something because the alternative is garbage, right? Those who want to present themselves with death from emotional scars in their lives. Let us face the facts for a moment about death. It does not matter who you are or how much money you have. We are all going to die one day. If you are reading this blog, you are intrigued like I am about the what-ifs. When my mother died, it left a burden on my soul. There were so many things this old country boy wanted to say but could not. 6 months after her death, and after looking on the internet for signs of life after death, I realized it (death) was forever. There were no signs of her being around, no signs from God she was hereafter the soul left her body. The Mourning came and went with prayer, the laughter of the good times I and mom had made my life better with time. Death is forever...or is it?

What if we come back to live this life repeatedly? If this is my (forever) I am screwed. This would be awesome for rich people who were happy with their life. My life has been a struggle since birth. Everything I try and accomplish; nothing seems to work. This must be my hell, wonder what happened in my past life to make this life so hard? Have you ever looked around yourselves and seen people complaining all the time about everything? Should human beings have everything handed to them on a (silver) platter? What is life to you? Do you believe in God? Is it me, or do you have premonitions about something you have done in your past but cannot place the exact time you did it? I think genus people who are born with those kinds of smarts have connected with their past selves in some way. Researchers from all over the world say we only use (10%) of our brains in one lifetime. We all can perform on an elevated level of understanding, but we never utilize 90 percent of our gifts. Why do you think this happens to us?

Clues to see we are already dead. Life does not get better, regardless of how much you work for your future. You can grind out your life for the next 20 years, and nothing changes from how you have lived in the past. Your connections to society fall short, your business depletes itself, and all your demanding work bends backward and folds in on itself. Nothing you do will ever change the fact that you are already dead, living the same life repeatedly forever. What a crazy thought to have in our minds about life, ‘right? Having seen people around me succeed from doing not much of nothing, and those people struggling to make ends meet working their tails off. It makes no sense to me why people cannot get the upper hand in life unless we are already dead, and it does not ever change anyway. How many planets are in our solar system? (8). How many planets are in the Milkey Way Galaxy? (400 billion). How many planets are in the Universe? (700 quintillions). With so many planets in space above our can we assume we know it all about life and death? Earth could be heaven and hell combined. Would this not make sense as to why people are so evil? What about those human beings that would give anything to help their neighbors? If Earth is our final home, then what happens when we die here? My theory about this complex subject line, is we go to other planets to join the living. Death is real life in a sort. Can you prove where we go after we die? Can you prove me wrong about this post? Why do we not know where we go after death?

With all the technology we have on this planet, how can we not know anything about death? Having watched the dying process up close, it is something to see. My stepfather died in 1993 of Cancer. Upon his death, the last words spoken from his lips were “I am ready to go. He said this phrase while staring into the blank screen of the television. Who was he talking to? Were angels there to take him to paradise? My other stepfather died of (C.O.P.D) while looking around the room, his final speech was to his brother. Calling him out by name, with welcoming arms, he passed away peacefully. His brother died not (3) days before he did, was his brother in the room waiting on him? No one will ever know anything about death until it happens. If you sat in your recliner and stressed about dying one day, it would drive you to a mental institution. Everyone is either reborn to the same life, another life, or reborn into this one. People can assume what it is like to die, but there has been no proof of anything remotely pertaining to the afterlife. We can read books, study the gospel, and believe in whatever we choose to believe in. The fact will always remain the same. In death we will come back to life, die forever, or go to paradise. If we a reborn into the same life we are living today most people will be screwed. Hopefully, next time this old brain will have more sense about it. I could use at least 20% of it instead of 10% of my brainpower. God will keep making his perfections (over and over) again until he gets them perfect. People will never get cancer or die of anything other than natural causes. People Are Not Perfect for A Reason. (Off subject for a moment)

People are not perfect, but we could be better humans towards one another. I met a few people a couple of days ago that are professional people. They were driving an Aarons truck to deliver a (stack) washer and dryer to my home. The funny thing about getting most of my items through (rent-to-own) is that I can afford to buy those appliances outright. I enjoy forming a bond between customers and companies. These two guys were professional and said they would get this blog and read all the cool stories this old person tells. People work hard for a living, and these two men showed it. Look, people make mistakes in life. No one on this earth can say they have clean closets. People can come back from those mistakes if they focus on their internal growth. Have you ever done something you thought there is no way I am ever going to get past this? If you own up to your past and move on, there is nothing holding you back from living your dreams but you. No person’s opinion of you matters about your own success. If people want to judge you for no reason, other than something that happened 20 years ago. Let those people judge, while you continue to grow your worth. If you ever need any advice about ways to see past your mistakes to live a better life. Contact me by email below. No one can achieve your success but you. No one can/or will hold your hand in life, and not a single person will ever care enough to give you something for free. Success takes demanding work, and I know you can do it if you stay away from gossip and forge forward with your success. Life & Death

Being alive feels great on days everything is going my way. Having enough money, a roof over my head, bills paid, and a family that cares is worth it to live. Most people will never own their home, have a solid career, live their dreams, or be anyone other than who they are right now. It is ok to be who you are right this minute. No one can live your life for you. People choose to work hard for everything they have, while people tend to live for a handout from our governments. People enjoy renting, rather than owning their piece of gold. You can make $8 an hour or $60 an hour, depending on what you enjoy, which will determine the outcome of your workload. No matter what you do with your life, and no matter how you live it. One thing will always be a straightforward process. Death has no age or timeframe in our life. We could be alive and well one minute and gone the next in our sleep that night. If you believe we are here for a purpose, are you living yours now? If you believe in God, but do not follow (100%) of his commandments are you still a Christian? Will you end up in hell from not following all God’s will? If you do not believe in anything, where are you headed in death? I hope everyone reading this gets an understanding of the values we hold as people. We come from all social classes in this world. Thank you for your support coffee drinkers. My long delay came from being stricken (dealing with my PTSD). I have issues with my mentality and have long-sustained issues with my disorder. We all have problems, and sometimes those problems get the best of us. I am human and do make mistakes. I am exactly (9) posts from catching up to the (1) a day for you. There will be (2) blog posts every day for the next 5 days. This should be within our reachable goal of (365) blogs in (1) year.

Thank you again for your awesomeness. The Coffee Drinker. Next Posts Coming 02/18/2022

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ATTENTION: My Product Line for sale will be on hold until I can get my store redone. I am having a professional redo the complete line of products with an easy payment method for my customers. The store will be available on 03/06/2022. Branding News: The Coffee Drinker Brand is trying to get into retail stores nationwide. We are working on contacting businesses to support these products. I believe in this brand and hope every coffee drinker in the world can own a piece of The Coffee Drinker Brand. I love you all. Have an awesome day

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