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What are the Best Tasting Coffee Brands?

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

My reviews of the best tasting Coffee in America will not come from anything other than my taste buds. If something tastes great, we go back for more of that substance. These are my top picks on stores shelves today, that are cheaper than most coffee brands and flavors. If you love coffee like I do, then you will want to try these flavors and brands below.

  1. Starbucks – Cold Coffee (French Vanilla) ($2.95 each bottle)

  2. Folgers – Instant Coffee Singles ($1 for 7 in a pack)

  3. Folger French Vanilla Capuchino (powder) ($4.95 for 16oz)

With how crazy inflation is right now, and gas prices becoming exceedingly high, we need something cheap to buy that tastes great. These are my picks for you to try.

Coffee is the LifeSource of our daily lives, without this liquid substance we could not get through the chaos in our workplaces and homes.

I will not keep you for long, I know how precious time is in your lives. Let us get right into the reviews of these coffee brands and flavors.

STARBUCKSFrappuccino Coffee Drink – Mocha 13.7oz ($2.62 each).

Have you ever been to a gas station, looking over bottled drinks, water, and other beverages in the large glass shelves in coolers at the back of the station? You can find these glass bottles around the water and other cold coffee drinks. These come in assorted flavors, like Mocha, French Vanilla, and other flavors.

These have tons of sugar in them, so if you are diabetic, I would not recommend these flavors to you. If you need a quick sugar boost to your daily work schedule, these would be a perfect fit for your life if you are healthy. They have Starbucks coffee in them, and they pack a punch to your energy level.

I have found that after about an hour of drinking one of these, I crash to worse than I felt before drinking one. It is because of the sugar content in these bottled drinks. If you overload the sugar in your body and eat nothing else afterward your body crashes. It may be different for other people, but for me it does happen often.

Overall, these would be great if you are not diabetic, and need something sweet-tasting, and a fast-acting energy boost. You can buy these for around the price listed above. If you purchase these online, they will cost a little more.

Folgers Instant Singles (7) pack for $1.

These packs of instant coffee would be great if you were in a hurry in the morning and forgot to make coffee the night before. You may not have your other coffee and need something cheap to buy for an emergency. You can purchase these Folger’s singles packs in Walmart, Dollar General stores, and most other places Nationwide.

The taste is a bit bland to me unless I use two packs for my cup. You may think these tastes great, and that is what you drink daily. In my view, these are just a cheap way to get coffee in your system without overpaying for a whole jar of this brand of coffee.

Folgers's brand has been around a long time, and I think over the years their value has gone down. There are tons of other coffee brands on the market that taste better but for the price, this will do fine. It is like any other company, trying to find a cheaper way of doing business for more profit.

The energy level lasts about 5 hours for me. I would have a boost around lunchtime to get me through the day.

For me, it is just not enough coffee in each packet/ Let me know what you think about this brand of coffee, and if you drink this daily?

Overall, these are cheap and would be awesome to place in an emergency pack to have when you do not have your other brands. I have 10 packs of these stored away for people that enjoy this brand, and for emergency use in my home. How can you go wrong for a dollar with these coffee singles packs?

Folgers French Vanilla Cappuccino (powder) 16oz can.

I enjoy the taste of this (Folgers) coffee flavor. If you want something sweet and lasting, this is the flavor you should choose. You can get these for around ($4.95) a can in your local grocery store. I buy my cans from Dollar General Store in the coffee section. You can buy these online at places like Amazon, but they are going to cost you more than buying them at your local stores. The flavor is rich and smooth and has a great energy level to drink, other than a normal coffee flavored coffee.

You can buy these in other flavors, but French vanilla is my pick. If you want something the whole family (that drinks coffee) will enjoy, this is going to be a treat for you. If you want to surprise your counterpart, then buy them a can of this goodness. It is cheaper than other brands of French vanilla coffee and has a better aftertaste to.

Have you ever drunk a coffee flavor, then after you were done drinking it, you could still taste it what seemed like hours later. If have enjoyed my picks for cheap coffee and have other brands you would like to comment about. Just leave me a comment at the bottom of this blog post.

The world needs a break from excessive costs of living. This blog post is for everyone seeking ways to enjoy a high-quality brand of coffee for the right price. I will not try to sell a brand I do not believe in.

Let me know what you think about these brands and flavors of coffee above. Also, join me on my website for a greater in-depth discussion about coffee.

You can also find me on my podcast Monday – Sunday starting on February 10th of this year.

I built ‘The Coffee Drinker Morning Show for you. I enjoy conversing with people who love the taste of coffee.

Will you have a cup of coffee with me?

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The Coffee Drinker.

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