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Yard Sales & Coffee with Mom

Yard sales are what most people in the south go to every weekend in the summer. My mom was a hoarder of shoes and purses. We loved Fishing for the next treasure in random boxes full of goodies. You could buy a whole box of goodies for under $2 most of the time. She loved finding purses and shoes on the bargain racks. She had tiny feet and could rack up on a dozen pairs of shoes for under $1 each weekend.

My mother was a diabetic, but this did not stop her from drinking her (sweet) coffee every day. Every morning mom would put a tablespoon of hot cocoa in her Folgers. She knew this would spike her sugar, but you could not tell her anything. Seeing where my stubbornness came from now, 'I can relate. Spending the weekend with my mom was always cherished.

It was not just about finding that next object for little to nothing. We have friends who would meet us at the yard sales. My best friend, whom I hang with, enjoyed yard sales also. Mark and his wife would always see us at yard sales as we gossiped about what we had found that day (video games mostly). lol

My mother had older friends she enjoyed seeing at them also. My mom even got my wife (Dawn) into them as well. It is addicting, searching for treasures through a bunch of goodies. One time, while scavenging through a box of old pens. I found an (18k) gold pen, buying it for .50 cents. It ended up being worth ($856) from the 1840s.

Who else remembers those moments in your life Where nothing could bring you more peace than spending time with your mom?

Have you ever been to yard sales?

What treasures have you been able to find from them?

Everyone in this town knew my mom, everyone

knew how much she enjoyed her yard sales. Drinking coffee was an everyday thing with mom, but those sales could never pass her mind up. On Thursdays, mom would gather her pen and paper as she wrote down all the yard sales for the weekend. In our town's newspaper, they had to be there by Friday. Most people had them (yardsales) in the paper by Thursday.

There is a 200-mile yard sale every year, going through (8) western Kentucky towns down in the south. How many treasures could find in (200) miles? The link will be at the bottom of this blog post.

I found a complete collection of baseball cards for sale at (1) yard sale. I ended up buying these collectible cards for a whole $30. (Willy Mays, Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle) were just a few of the good ones in the set of cards. Our local sports card shop loved to buy those from me. I ended up selling the cards for ($3200).

My mom bought a (Purple & Gold) flowered purse at a sale for $1. After she was ready for her nap, we left and went home. Arriving back at the homeplace, mom turned to me and closed up the purse with a sparkle in her eye. She had just found gold at the bottom of that old purse. It was not gold but pretty dang close to it. Mom found an envelope with ($425) in it.

If you knew my mother, she was not just a nice person, 'honesty was her strong suit as well. She Gathered up the money from the purse 'we headed back to where she found the (small) goldmine. A young lady with gold brushy hair walked over to meet my mother. She started crying, telling my mom that was her paycheck, as mom was handing the wad of cash to her.

Would you have returned the money?

What would you have thought if someone brought your money back to you?

This blog post is about my love for mom and her enjoyment of yard sales and coffee. Everyone has something they would like to share with the world about their mom. Choosing these topics were cherished memories relating to this blog.

Coffee is something most of us on earth love. Our mothers will always be in the conversations about the life we live. Nothing will ever take the place of our mothers. When they die, we move on, but those memories last a lifetime.

Thank you, coffee drinkers.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog about life.

I know this was supposed to be (1200) words or more, but the time has come to say goodbye until tomorrow.

Our next blog will be funny and informative. I promise.

(The End of The World Supply Checklist)

Check out this custom-designed mug I made for you.

Click the link below to buy one for yourself. ($7.00 each)

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