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How can I tell if someone is Suicidal?

“WARNING Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I do not know your medical situation and cannot diagnose anything other than what I went through in my life. This Blog Post is about showing you what to look for right before this life-altering issue happens. Thank you for reading this article. These are the facts about my Suicidal attempts. This post may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

Have you ever been affected by someone who has ended their life? Do you know the signs of someone in need of help? We can connect on a personal level for a moment Coffee drinker. Life is not fair, and most people go about their lives sadly and depressingly. We will discuss the reasons why people do not reach out for help.

This website cares about you, your family, and your friends when it comes to their health. Let me show you the signs, so those in your inner circle can receive the help they need.

What are the (3) signs of Suicide?

Isolation -

People keep to themselves, not wanting to interact with family and friends. In those dark days of my life, the woods behind my home were my piece of heaven.

People can view situations about what people think about when they committed this terrible act. Unless you have been there, you are only guessing.

People must be alone and not just feeling it either. They must get in the mindset of killing themselves. Never assume they are not planning this out. It could be months or weeks ahead of doing it. If you look for those signs, you can help these people.

Feeling Alone and Hopeless

Feeling alone and Hopeless is the biggest problem with people. You can go to every party in your town or be around family and friends every hour and still feel alone. Our brains work on various levels when it comes to our emotions. Money does not change these facts. You feel alone and hopeless, and nothing will ever get better. People have been trying to medicate people for years, hoping to solve this problem.

How can you spot someone that feels this way? First off, never think those people around you do not have something going on with their emotions. We can put on the best faces in public, but when the doors close. We own up to our emotional problems. Making someone feel welcome is not enough to cure this disease. Words can only go so far. We must show action-based feelings with those we love.

If you buy your loved one a new car for Christmas, only showing your love with gifts or money, this is not action-based love. That value of time wasted in your justice system of beliefs. You give presents for not being there for your loved one throughout the year. How many people do you know who are like this? After something tragic happens, they are left wondering what they could have done to help those family members.

With myself included in these issues, after my mom died, it seemed like my family was waiting for me to die. Having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, along with Anxiety problems, my family knew of my condition.

A month goes by, as everyone around goes about their lives, I am stuck in a loop, as I am living out my mother's last moments every day in my head. Seeing on social media; how my family's going out to eat, having cookouts, and being there for one another. If there ever was a time in life when I felt alone 'it was then.

Remembering lying on the kitchen floor one night, where I would camp nightly, my mind was slowly fading. Every thought in my mind about ending my life happened in those darkened days. That feeling when no one cares about you is devastating, 'yet you can overcome it. Take it from a living example of those feelings of hopelessness and living in the shadows of a vacant meaningless life. You can get help knowing you are not alone.

Change in Grades in School

This section can be for anyone in school (college included). If you notice any changes in someone's grades, you can reach out to help them. If you are in college with someone, knowing they are making straight A's. You start to notice they are failing, not trying to do better either. It should concern you about their health.

Everyone's actions can tell you what they are thinking about, People put on great shows when dealing with their mind wars, but you can tell if you look for the signs. When people give up on life, it is a slow process that develops over time. Most people will not just grab a gun and kill themselves unless they are emotionally damaged.

If you are a parent, and your kid was getting positive grades, now they are failing classes. You should go to the school and see why this is. Bullies play a role in these emotions coming from your kid. It could also be something far more sinister at play. What if a teacher is causing these problems? Never blow off what your kid is feeling. College parents, there are bullies and bad teachers at every level of schooling. Watch out for changes in your child, student, friend and family members.

What are the top 5 things I can do to be Happier?

Happiness is not from monetary gifts. You could be given $1 million and think this could make you happy. After about a month, you realized this was short-lived in your mind. People grow up in separate family circles. Your parents could have worked (6) days a week, not being home for much in your childhood. People could have grown up in a dangerous circle full of bar fights, abuse, and neglect. Heck, you could have the perfect childhood. Your mom and dad were there for you, being at every sporting game, showing love every day at home, showering you with tons of gifts every year for birthdays and Christmas.

Your form of happiness came from action and not emotions. You are feeling sad or depressed with your life. These emotions are how you view yourselves first. These feelings do not go outward unless your inner self feels it first. You can break from these feelings if you can find something to do 'like a hobby' to gain your confidence again. We must reboot our systems. Your brain controls the thoughts you are thinking. You can rethink your situation. You can overcome these feelings, and your life will get better.

  • Reboot your Brain

  • Read a book

  • Get a Hobby

  • Teach someone something

  • Research Your why you are thinking like this

My old 4-wheeler has the loudest exhaust on it. Every afternoon after coming home from stacking lumber all day. I hopped on the old grizzly, shooting off into the woods with dust in tow. We lived on 300 acres (about half the area of Central Park in New York City), and there was lots of room for hanging out alone. (Thinking this is going to be the day), propping the (380) automatic against the old rotten barren tree. My life was not going great; working all day for nothing, living in fear of my dreams, having to explain to the social worker about my thoughts every Monday and Thursday.

As I slid down the tree stump, clicking over the trigger of the gun, my mind slipped into the (nothing) world. The first (2) months were practice sessions. We never think about who we would leave behind. Ending our lives is the only permanent thing that will help. Our brains are cross-wired into thinking that emotions are action-based.

When someone is about to end their lives, they go into a world of nothing. We cannot think about this life because it is over. No one around us understands why we feel this way. If we do not reboot our brains, only medication will ever help our problems.

My family was not into reading and learning about anything growing up. My brother joined the military when he was 17 years old. My sister married young and is still happily married.

My father died when I was 9, my stepfather when I was 16, another stepdad when I was 29, and mom when I was 40. All my aunts and uncles are gone (6). I was abused from the age of (8 to 13) by my stepbrother. He was not charged because of being friends with the Police. These actions gave me a crippling disease called (PTSD). Panic disorder came a little later in life.

Being happy is about your inner self. You can have everything in life happen, and you can still get through it. Nothing is impossible when your mind is in play. Take it from my points in this blog. Release those feelings you have in something that makes you happy.

What is Some Hobby's I can Do to Help with Depression?

  • Walk Dogs

  • Take Photographs and post them

  • Write about your pain in a (self-published) book.

  • Become a YouTuber

  • Build a website to Help others (free)

There are diverse ways to divert your depressive state. I authored a book about my abuse as a child (500 pages) about the truth of where I came from and how much pain my mind was enduring. Paperback has been on Amazon for sale since 2018. Accomplishments helped release those hidden depressive thoughts in your life.

You can build a (free) website on This Hobby could help you achieve success in life. Show the world who you can be with knowledge. Be positive and help people who have been going down the same road you have been down.

If this post can help one person stay in this world and live a great life, I thank you for reading this blog post. Nothing in life is ever going to be perfectly sane. You are not alone in your struggles. If you ever need help, email me. Reach out to someone.

Gain the value of information from someone who has been where you are now. Life is interesting for sure and would not have changed a thing in my life. Without those struggles, this website would never have been born. No books would have been written (11). We could have never helped you see that your life is going to get better now.

Thank you for being here Coffee Drinkers. I care about you all. I hope you have a wonderful day. We will have fun on the next post. My mother loved going to yard sales. She also enjoyed a great tasting cup of coffee. I am so thankful for everyone being here. You are my world.

If you or someone else needs help right now – call the number below. They care about you. They will help you see a better tomorrow.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Our next blog will be:

(YardSale's and Coffee)

The Coffee Drinker E-commerce Store & Blog (podcast coming soon).

Free Photography Website (make money on the side)

Free Website for Public Domain Images (free to use).

Free Website (any niche you choose)


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