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What is Co-Dependency?

What does a Co-Dependent person mean? Do you live for other people’s values of life? How can you achieve any type of success being co-dependent? Join us on this blog about who you are and what you can do about your situation.

What is the Definition of co-dependency?

Being co-dependent can vary from one person’s definition to another. If you live to please others around, you are co-dependent on pleasing people. You can value your own views but have more individual thoughts about shadowing others' lives. Example: If you are addicted to drugs, you will do anything to get those drugs (steal from family and friends, borrow money, pawn off everything you own, and so on). You would do anything you had to gain funds for those drugs. You are co-dependent on the addiction to this substance.

If you shadow others around you by working your tail off barely making any money, never gaining ground on living your dream life. You cannot branch out of that normal life because those around you would not approve of it. You are being co-dependent on the thoughts of others. This allows those people to control your life. They may mean well, but they have you programmed into thinking you cannot do any better without them.

If you grew up getting an allowance every time you did something good for mom or dad. You take out the garbage, clean the house, or get good grades for monetary rewards. This forces your mind into thinking life is going to be easy for making money. You are working for the simplified value of a dollar because you were taught this at an early age.

Most of us enjoyed our childhoods, and we understand the values our parents gave us. The problem with this thinking is that we never gain freedom of opportunity. We are constantly reminded that we should do as we are told. This allows us to gain our values of working hard for a living only if our parents approve of that workload. So, you go to the college your parents picked out, you work in the factory they got you a job at. The laws of control will play out in your adult life.

5 – Things you do that prove you are co-dependent.

1. You never break free from the opinions of others

2. You care more about others than yourselves

3. You listen to others' problems instead of fixing yours

4. Your Dreams are always put on the back burner

5. You live to be the life of the party.

If you cannot break free from the opinions of others, you will never gain access to living a wealthy life. We all want to be free from the burdens of debt. You want value from this life, but you are too focused on what others think about you.

People around you only see what is right in front of them. These human beings are focused on what they can get from you instead of supporting your views about success. We worry too much about what or how others see us. You must step away from people that only see conversation when they look at your life. Other people’s opinions do not matter when it comes to your life and the happiness in it.

If you live this life to please others, then how would you ever have the time to be successful with yours?

The choice I made (3) years ago changed my life. After purchasing an acre of land, selling all my belongings, and sleeping in a tent on that land for almost 4 months. I learned what it took to make something happen with my life. Everyone in my family, and all my friends (but one), did not believe in my success. (This motivated me to prove them all wrong)

No one ever gave it a second thought that I could build upon the foundation of this sandy soil in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes in life, we must make a choice. We can either confine ourselves to the co-dependency of others, or we can step out on that ledge of hope and success and be independent.

After writing my first e-book (panic disorder - steps to overcoming this disease) from the bench seat of my truck. I realized anything was possible if we focus on ourselves for once in our lives. Stop listening to people that do not care about your dreams. We have one life to live on this earth. What you make of it will determine the outcome of your legacy.

Everyone in their life dreams at some point in it. Not everyone follows through on those thoughts of success. We strive to be our best within the means of what others think we should be doing. So many people have good intentions at heart but will never see your values beyond their bonded (limited) views of success.

Most people grow up with parents who have worked in factories most of their lives. You graduate high school and fall right into that life of working in a factory. We program our minds from an early age. As children, we are taught to live life in a certain way. If we fall off track, we are talked about, made fun of, and humiliated by family and friends until we get back on track. Once you are back in that bubble, your family and friends love and value you because you obeyed. This type of thinking prevents us from breaking free from those bonds. Our success depends on thinking for ourselves and valuing our dreams (being independent). Most people will never understand those values. That is their opinion, not your facts about your success.

1 – Reason to stop being Co-dependent

You will never see the full potential of your success. If you depend on others to give you advice, money, security, or anything else that you could do on your own. It takes work to succeed in business and life. Nothing easy is worth more than something that took work to get. Most people in life will not overvalue themselves based on what others think about them.

When we look into the mirror do we see success or just a reflection of our mental issues (past failures, judgments around us, negativity, & self-absorbed bad images)?

We can change our whole future if we get rid of all the mirrors in our homes and focus on yourselves (Your Independence) for once. Nothing is more satisfying than working towards our financial freedom.

Thank you for being here ‘coffee drinkers.

Let me know what you think about being independent verse being co-dependent.


The Coffee Drinker.

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