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Society Doesn't Give You Permission To Speak

How many times in your life has someone 'who does not know you, decides they know best about your life? People from all walks of life will tell you how to live, speak, and act. Some people just agree and follow on without a clue in the world as to how society really feels about them. You cannot make everyone happy. You cannot agree with every single thing someone says.

If someone does not agree with you or feels like their voice matters more than yours, then they are lost in a fake reality. Society as a whole cannot be controlled, but through your free-thinking actions, you can achieve greatness without the gossip of society affecting your voice in this world.


The basic structure of society will affect your life in one way or another. You can ride off into the sunset with people that do not care about your social status. You can also find a believe system that grants you permission to speak on your own accord. Maybe you need a balance in this world filled with followers. The most aggressive voices in the world, are the ones in power on a government level. People can become whatever they choose to be but with influences in government and other platforms around the world, this can be a daunting task for your life.

People say it just takes one voice to get change in the world, but unless you have an outstanding social status, or ranking control in your own communities, this is not possible without (extremely) hard work. On a realistic level, we can achieve standing within our communities, if you have not been on the list of bad people within that community. It does not matter what you do with your life after that bad thing happens. You could have written 15 novels, earned a college degree, and helped the homeless. You will never be anything in a society that condemns first and praises last.

Society will never give you a chance to become anything within their grips if the majority does not see your professional status now. The reasoning behind this can be pressure from their neighbors, and peers on social media. It can be a way they were raised, or their standing in a community filled with people that judges based off what you did years ago they did not agree with.

Society cannot ever be the reason you give up. When will you realize that society is a judging machine built to influence people? You will rise from those ashes a new person with a different approach to social influences. Example: If a person went to prison 20 years ago, and their community is reminded of those persons guilt every single day, and never get the facts about the crime years ago that may or may not have been committed. People will always see you as something not worth their time. Society built a flawed system of governance. The system only works for those who has never done anything wrong in life. The System will never see any good done since a crime was committed because of this flawed system in place. If you think for a moment, I am not correct, just ask someone living in a community that has went to jail or prison if this is a fact.

It is so easy for people to fall in line with the majority, then speaking on human level with someone about what they are concerned with. It is beyond believe that we have so many people in this world that cannot think on their own. They would rather suck up to a world filled with people judging others, then going behind closed doors and doing the exact same stuff they faulted their neighbor for doing. Society has lost its morals when it comes to thinking for themselves.


The only thing you can do about people that do not give a crap about you is just keeping pushing forward. Do not listen to people telling you how to live your life. You cannot worry about what others think about you. People will always talk crap, and it is up to you to what that will mean for your life. Let the birds gather in their own courtyard of trash. One day, when you have shined for the world to finally see you, then what will those gossip birds say about your success? While they have been so worried about you for the last 20 years, they have done nothing to accomplish their dreams. Those biased people in society will never accomplish anything but finding the time to gossip about you or someone outside their circle of birds. Let them talk, because in the end you will leave a legacy from your hard work, while they will be forgotten in time. Will you allow the crack in this flawed system to influence your decision on life, or will you accomplish what you set out to do? If you fall on your face, get up and keep moving towards your passion in life. People cannot choose your path in life only you make that choice.


1 - They brush your dreams off as just a hobby. (This can be family or friends)

2- They Gossip behind your back about who you were 20 years ago.

3- They never share your accomplishments on social media but are the first to talk about your faults in the past.

4- Pretend to be good people but never visit, only when they need something from you.

5- They are the first one to like something on social media, but never want to lead in anything in real life. (Live for the moment and not the future)

6- They love that you are a dreamer but would rather see you doing what they want you to do.

7- They respond with your thought-out messages with one-word responses. People like this really do not want anything to do with you and wish you would stop messaging them.

8- Never praise you in the public eye, only in private where everyone else does not know about it. (Thye secretly love you but publicly despise you)

9- They talk with you, only to call someone else to gossip about what was just said to them from you. (These people are the problem with society's broken system).

10- They only care about what they can gain from calling you out in front of their peers. They live for the moment and have no future plans to do anything with their lives. No goals, other than making your life hell.

Take a moment to go over the list above. If you have someone like this in your life, then you can relate to my thoughts about society's issues with your wellbeing. This can include family, friends, and even your neighbors. Society can be anyone around you that believes this broken system of beliefs.


To gain freedom from a society built to destroy you can be achieved. If you stand strong in your beliefs, and never allow people to control your thoughts. This can be achieved within the confines of your life. You have to remember that people will always talk behind your backs. Society will never go away, because they are the people around you every day. People that never see the good in your life, the great things you have done to make this world a better place. Society has been given a free ride to do and say whatever they want to. Will Society ever stop following and start leading with their own voices? It is just easier to fit the narrative, than to go the other way in life. People love to be in the winning majority. It makes them feel so good inside.

Society will never allow you a free pass. They will come at you with everything they can legally. Would you rather be a pawn or a king? Would you rather be in a group of uncaring people, or walking down the road of life alone with respect? The choice is all yours to make it in this life. What will it take to get your mind back on track to become a legacy? What will it take to get you to see society is broken? Please go with me down this road that leads to greatness. There's not many people traveling because most are standing in line waiting on orders from society on which way to go.

Thank you for being here.

The Coffee Drinker

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