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Slow Down Please

What makes people hurry through their lives? What makes us not think about family time, or spending alone time to catch up on your lives? We hurry through life with hundreds of things on our minds on a daily basis. Yesterday I received a message from a business partner and friend. He was concerned about not spending enough time with family. He also stayed stressed out from his multiple business dealings. He also works at his church when others need him there. At the end of the day, I just listened to his concerns because that it what we should do.

Not everyone lives the same life as you, and sometimes people just needs us to slow down and listen to them. This allows them to think about their own lives a bit more. People do care in this chaos of a world we live in. If you are working nonstop trying to provide for your family 'that's great to a point. We all need structure to build for our future. We get burnt out on accomplishing our goals in life also. How many people had plans to do something, but never got around to doing it? 20 years down the road that idea comes up, and it is to late in your life to achieve now. Please Slow Down and think about what you really want out of life. Doing this will allow your mind to control those rushed feelings of doubt.

I was heading to town the other day and was passed by someone in a hurry. While going the speed limit, as they had to been going at least 80mph. 20 miles down the road, I pulled up to a red light, and there sat that same car that passed me 20 miles back. Slow down please.

Life is a one time thing. Nothing worth anything was ever built in a day. We can pace ourselves and still get the job done. Do you think people running marathons go as fast as they can from the start? No, they pace themselves for the finish miles down the road.


  1. Your Health (mental & Physical)

  2. Quality time with family and friends

  3. Life is not promised

  4. You will get burnt out

  5. Lost moments you cannot get back

  6. You will make mistakes

  7. Loss of Income

  8. Loss of Friends and Family

  9. Regrets

  10. Memories will fade

The reasons listed above are true. Your mental and physical health should be #1. Depression, worry, and stress will lead your body and mind down a path your life cannot handle. Time with friends and family members will be lost in the rush of getting things done. The simplest things in life are the memories we leave behind when we are gone from this earth. Without having memories for those people in our lives. We would fade into the darkness of death after we are gone. The only memory that will get carried on will be of how hard you worked. How much you loved the money over your family values.

This happens so much in this world. People spend so much time making tons of money, they never sit down to have game night with the family anymore. They never use their time on this earth to love others as they want to be loved. People spend 70% of their life working, by the time they are 60 years old, they sit down until they are gone from this earth. Their kids are off to college, and they are doing exactly what you did when they were young. Working and not spending valued time with family and friends. It's a cycle that can only be broken by you.

Living life to the fullest is not about getting everything done at once. We get burnt out on life, and end up having to take meds to calm our own reality. I wrote (3) paperback novels in a row, and this burnt me out. This whole year, I have not written a single book to publish. Having no drive to do something you are supposed to love is a terrible feeling. This feeling happens more times than you think. We can blame society, or ourselves for not having enough time in the day to finish something. It all boils down to us being in to much of a hurry to get anything of value done.

How many people out there Regret not doing something in your lifetime? How many people feel like there is not hope with your future. Because you have wasted so much of your time being in a hurry? Take your time and enjoy life. It is not all about work work work. We should value life, because one day it will be gone. What will those around you remember....or will they forget all about you? Life is really what we make of it. Will you slow down and make memories? Will you overcome your battle within to see your family and friends, and make memories that will last generations?

Answer these questions below.

Print This List Out Below For Future Reference

​What Can I Do To make Time For Family and Friends

​What Are Small Steps I Can Take & Still Achieve Success

​How Can I Slow Down and Still Build a Better Tomorrow.

​What Can I Do To Release The Stress on My Body and Mind (Daily)

​What Memories Will Be Made For When I AM Gone

Using the list above...Can you think of anything you can do now to change your life. If you are running multiple businesses, and still finding time to help others that are not family. What is the end goal of doing this? How can you achieve success without the added stress in your life. First thing you should count on is your Health then work down from there. Like I said in the earlier writing, you have got to think about how you structure the outcome of your dealings. Going blindly through life will end your life early. We all want to achieve success in life. Slowing down is key to your success, and family's well being. My life is different than yours, and other people's lives will not be like yours either. We all have struggles in life, and some have worse lives than others.

We can become great if we work hard enough, but without structure in that work will be useless for your future success. Being alive is what matters, and everything else that follows will depend on how you use your life.

Thank you for joining me on this post.

Leave your comments below.

Let me know what you think about what has been said about slowing down and taking your time to enjoy what life has to offer.

The Coffee Drinker


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