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Is Your Coffee to Hot?

Everyone enjoys a great cup of 'blasting' hot coffee. If you live in a cold environment or are in a profession that has your life working outdoors, coffee is something you must drink to stay alert.

Is your 'liquid' gold too hot for you to drink? The worst thing in the world is drinking my favorite beverage, then burning the crap out of my lips or tongue.

We can buy a coffee maker to control the heat from the water, but most cheaper versions of coffee makers do not have this luxury.

What If you are in a hurry and late for work or school? You grab a cup of coffee on the run, and with almost any company that provides on-the-go coffee. You do not have a choice about the heat level in your coffee.

If you drink coffee as I do, this question about hot coffee will come up at some point in your life. If you are wondering about the health issues behind drinking hot coffee. The referenced paragraph below will help.

We are going back to 2016 when CNN ran an article about hot beverages (drinking coffee) and cancer. I will link this talking point at the end of this blog post. These studies were done in China, Turkey, Iran, and South America (Meera Senthilingam, 2016). When you get burns on your tongue, this can increase Esophageal Cancer (according to the study).

Drinking hot coffee can also be painful for an extended period. This can affect your work status, having to worry about a burnt lip, tongue, or throat.

I will link a few of the newest coffee makers that have control dials for heat. This can make your life a little easier. I always bring a bottle of water with me if I am in a hurry. I pour a little bit of the coffee out and pour in a little chilly water. This can help with your coffee being too dang hot.


  1. Cool the coffee off with a little freezing water.

  2. Wait about (5) minutes before taking the first sip.

  3. Buy a good coffee maker that has a control dial for water temperature.

  4. Drink cold coffee beverages.

Remember to slow down if you have hot coffee, be alert when you are drinking hot coffee. Think about what you will do to cool your hot cup of goodness down. We all love and enjoy hot coffee, but sometimes it can be too hot. I hope this post helps you with a few things that can do to help with your hellish hot coffee. Thank you for reading this post. The Coffee Drinker.

Join me on 01/04/2022 for our next discussion.

Where can I get free coffee coupons?

Reference: Very hot drinks are ‘probably carcinogenic’ By Meera Senthilingam, for CNN Updated 11:47 PM EDT Wed June 15th, 2016 Very hot drinks can increase risk of esophageal cancer | CNN

Water Temp. Control Coffee Maker

I love this, Vanilla Caramel Coffee Creamer. (180 count package).

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