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Quality of Coffee

Have you ever stayed overnight in a hotel room? Then you woke the next morning to find the supplied coffee tasted like crap? This makes you leave the hotel to find a better cup of coffee somewhere in the town you are in. People love their coffee. I got so tired of tasting the hotel coffee that I started bringing my own whenever I stayed in hotels.

Let us go over the assorted brands of coffee in this post. We will look at the inside of the jar to find out why it tastes so good. We want good coffee for the right price, ‘right? I researched 3 of the name-brand coffees that come to mind.


This company does not use regular Arabica Beans. They go to the source of where these beans grow better. Having a higher quality of beans produces great-tasting coffee. Starbucks has direct contact with the farmers of their beans. They have support groups that test soil, and other regulating ideals that help with the quality of coffee they produce.

Started – March 30th, 1971 (Jerry Baldwin, Gorden Bowker, & Zev Siegl)

Net Worth - $110 Billion

Employees – over 340,000

Locations – over 8900 company-owned – 0ver 6200 licensed ones

Cups Daily Sold – about 1500


This company uses high-quality Robusta Beans. They also protect the farms where these beans are grown. They have a complete connection to the farmers that grow these beans. This company regulates each farm to make sure they produce the best quality for the people drinking this coffee. This company has been around for a long time. Quality serves this company best in its tradition of bring you a fair cup of coffee for the right price.

Started – 1850 (J A Folgers)

Net Worth - $2 Billion

Employees – about 1200

This company has been around for a long time. The taste of this coffee is the reason this company will stay with us for a long time.


This company uses Arabica beans. They source the beans from India and Peru. India produces over 329,000 tons of beans per year. Only about 26% of that production comes from Arabica beans. Peru produces some of the highest quality Arabica beans in the world. Therefore, Death Wish buys their beans from these countries because of the quality of beans they produce. This company also provides only (Organic and Fair Trade) beans from these countries.

These factors in that the coffee you are drinking is of greater quality than the other coffees you used to drink. No additives in the process either. It provides a better taste factor than the other types of beans in comparison brands.

Started 2012 (Mike Brown)

Net Worth – Revenue – $15.8 million

Employees – Around 47

It all comes down to what you desire. If you want something that has massive production lines, sourcing beans wherever. Then go for it. If you want organic and fair coffee produced to quality like none other, then settle for that. Whatever your taste buds want is what you should buy.

I drink Starbucks when I am in a hurry, or on break at work. In the morning when I wake from my rest, I have Death Wish in my coffee pot.

Thank you for being here.

Let me know what you drink.

Next Post 11/20/2021

Hotel Coffee & Why It Tastes So Bad

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