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What are the health benefits of drinking coffee?

Have you ever wondered what the health benefits of coffee are? If you are like me and have never thought about this until now. Then you are among millions of people across the world that think this way about what they are drinking each morning.

Without thinking, I drink on average 4 to 6 cups of coffee daily on busy days. I just know it tastes good and it gives me a boost throughout the day. Coffee helps me focus on what is important throughout the day.


(Robert H. Shmerling MD Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing, September 25th, 2015)

Reduced Risks Heart Attacks

Colon and Liver Cancers

Type (2) Diabetes

Reduced Risk of Stroke

Reduced Risk of Heart Failure.

From the list above, you can see there are a substantial number of reasons we should be proud of drinking our warm goodness every morning. Depending on your medical condition, you will lose or gain these values of drinking coffee.

Drinking too much of anything can be damaging to your system., ‘I agree. The overall benefits of drinking coffee make up for those negative effects it ‘could’ have on our systems over time.


Once again, this depends on your overall health, and how much you can consume without gaining those negative side effects of drinking coffee every day. I would recommend 2 to 3 cups daily max. On my days off writing or with me going to school. I only drink around 2 cups daily. If my schedule is crazy, I will add a few more cups of this wonderful magic to my daily list.

What is your favorite coffee to drink?

How many cups a day do you have to drink to stay alert?

My ‘new’ favorite is Death Wish coffee company. You only need one cup of this darkness to give you a day's long boost to energy. It has a kick that cannot be outdone by any other brand on the market.

Attention Notice:

My blogs will never be too wordy. I will never try to fill the pages of this blog, to get more words in. Well, this is an exception. lol

I will always reference everything I research. If I know about the subject without looking up articles on it, then I will not reference anything. I wanted to let you know, this blog is for your information and reading. It will never cost you anything to read or subscribe.

Added Note: Every ad on this blog will be my affiliation to that company. Meaning if you buy something from the ad, I will get a commission on that product. I will only post the best deals I can find online at that time.

Thank you for reading this blog about coffee.

The next blog will be about the Negative effects of drinking coffee. 11/25/2021

My favorite brand of coffee below

Death Wish Coffee.


Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing, September 25th, 2015

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