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What Ingredients are in Coffee beans?

Millions of people around the world drink Coffee. How many of those people have a clue about what is in their Coffee Beans? Before researching this blog post, I had never considered much about what I was drinking. It did not worry me so much about the (12) ingredients in my Coffee.

You can come to your conclusions about the first ingredient in this blog. The references will be posted below the blog so you can do further research about it.


CAFFEINE - Caffeine is a drug and food additive. Although it takes about 6 or more cups of Coffee daily to get most side effects. It can be a challenge in people with medical conditions sooner than that. The most common side effects are Fast heart rate, not being able to sleep (FDA, 2021). You can also have problems focusing on things like work, studies, or just keeping still for anything. It can cause your stomach to become upset as well.

Most people use caffeine to stay alert throughout the day. Most single brewed (8oz) cups of Coffee have about 90mg of caffeine. While instant coffee has less than that for the same amount of Coffee. Dark roast Coffees have less caffeine than lighter roasts. You can come down after the Caffeine has worn off. I get tired easily after coming off the high jolts of this energy juice. How does it make you feel hours after drinking this ingredient?

Starbucks (8oz) cup of Coffee has over 180mg in it. Depending on your brand and how strong the Coffee is, will depend on your Caffeine intake for that cup. This Coffee tastes great and gives you a high energy boost for what you need during your day.

Death Wish Coffee has about 472mg of caffeine for (8oz) cup. This is why this Coffee is the strongest in the world. This company has great-tasting Coffee that I drink daily. Yes, it gives you a jolt with just the first cup, but it is soooo worth it for me.

Decaf Coffee has traces of caffeine in it too. According to the FDA website, between 2 to 15mg of caffeine is in your beverages. The same goes with light and dark roasts for this type of coffee also. How you prepare your Coffee, will depend on how much Caffeine you take into your system.

After reading this simple, 'yet informative post about Caffeine. You can decide on cutting back or going all in. Remember if you have heart problems or any other medical condition. You should consult with your doctor about caffeine intake before consuming any.

I am in love with Coffee, and hopefully never have to give it up.

Thank you world for reading this Blog about Coffee beans ingredients.

Our next post will consist of the 2nd ingredient in Coffee Beans (Tannin).

see you all tomorrow (11/17/2021) at The Coffee Drinker.

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