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Why Do I Give Up Easily?

How many times in your life have you given up on something? Have you ever dreamed of doing something with your life just to end this dream in failure with the words (I Quit)? Over 80% of people wanting to live a happy life do this daily. Why is it so easy to quit something? Have people become accustomed to giving up easily? This blog will be about my failures, your promising disappointments, and so many more (I Quit) talking points. TOP 5 REASONS WHY YOU GIVE UP ON SOMETHING

  • It is easier to live a normal life... working a normal job.

  • Your friends and family members do not support you.

  • You have been let down in the past...

  • Working for something in the future is too hard.

  • It is easier to participate in poverty than to live in a world where your visions for success are acted upon.

Dreaming is the easy part of your worldly vision for success. The hard part is after those continued failures nothing changes. You see the world from inside your bubble. We all live inside our own bubbles in life. We do repetitive actions every day that give the same results from those periods of progress. If we want to reach our full potential in our lives, we must reach outside those bubbles for something better.

Having been extremely poor most of my life, making excuses why my life was this way, I can contest to exactly what these talking points are. If you believe in yourselves something will come from this motivation. Your life will change, you will have that breakthrough in business or your career if you just believe that success is headed your way.

It is easy to work a normal job, have easy-going related friends and family members doing the same. There is nothing wrong with normal. 95% of the world is normal, and most people never see past this way of life. It is not until someone is 60 years old that they realize their dreams were washed away.

People from all social classes want three things out of life.

  1. Financial Security

  2. Enjoyable Life

  3. Healthy growth (Personally)

If you have these three things in life you are living the dream. This is not a millionaire talking point. People from all levels of society live with these (3) examples of freedom. Being wealthy is not something most people need or want out of life. People do not want to live in debt, they want enough security to provide for their families, and want to enjoy life. Everyone can have these qualities in life.

What is poverty for you? Is living in a (5th) wheel camper on your little acre of land poverty? Is being in ($450,000) debt, barely paying the bills poor to you? There are tons of ways to look at poverty. Most people who live in extreme debt look towards people living in mobile homes, campers, or tents as being poor.

The Coffee Drinker started as an idea on the old wooden (homemade) bench on my property when I was living in a tent. My first year in college was hard for me because of my living conditions (living in a $24 Walmart tent). Nothing in life is worth anything if it does not take work to get it done. We all have dreams, and if you take the effortless way out you will never achieve fulfillment from those dreams. Having everything you want can be mistaken for greed. Let us play this talking point out for a moment. My first book was about panic attacks and how to deal with them. Authoring this book was enjoyable for me because of the help people could achieve from my own suffering. Using (free) Wi-Fi (Dollar General Store) to author this short information-filled book was challenging...but it got done.

You must go beyond what others tell you to be. Listen to this last sentence for a moment. You must never fall into the trap of living your life for others' contentment. Your family members may be like mine are...Single-minded with only one way out of your situation. You should be working a normal job, paying your (debt-filled) obligations as they are doing. Never follow your dreams because you could end up living in a tent in the middle of the woods for a long time. You could go to bed hungry and stressed because of seeing nothing changing in your status.

Being free from debt, and living your dreams is nothing short of (hellish) work. None of my family members ever share my work on their social media pages, nothing is ever said about the books I write or the publications that get published in magazines. Family and friends live in the normal world. Remember that only a small percentage of people believe what you and I believe. Not everyone will be on board with aspirations and goals in life for that life.

Past failures are the reason behind you not wanting to keep going with your business or dreams of having one. This comes from a person that should have never written the first book. People will judge you based on your past; they will let you down every step of the way to living that (wealthy) life. No one in my community shares my work, hell most people do not know about my accomplishments.

People hold grudges and will never let up until you have stepped up and over that mountaintop of success. Your past should never define your future. This blog will shed light on those people in the world who can relate to what I have been through in life. People do not give second chances because society was built to condemn and talk about people. Social media platforms are the worst at this. People on social media will spend hours in the day focusing on talking points about others, but never actually achieve anything in their personal lives.

People can control the outcome of your future if you let them.

Working for something others around you cannot relate to is too hard to do. People around your inner circle can never find the time to relate to your dreams because they are to be focused on them (here and now). These people may be outstanding hard-working members of your family, friends' circles, or community members. Unless they see your talking points about what your dreams are, it does not matter to them about your success. You will fail every time if you allow them to get inside your head.

Top 5 Ways to Achieve Success without any (local) Support

1. Find support from the Billions living on this planet online.

2. If you fail...get back up and keep pushing forward.

3. Never Quit Never Surrender should be your mindset in business.

4. Get away from Toxic People or Places

5. Get off social media

There are billions of people living in this world. You should never worry about support from your community. If they are too blinded by society's views about you...find support from somewhere else online. You can achieve success if you focus on growing from the outside inward. What could your community say of you then? No one could say a word about you as a person when you make it to the top of your successful field of business. Find your customers from online marketing solutions.

Find out what niche (category) your products relate to and work towards investing in that growth for your business. You could live in a town of 70,000 people, but there are millions of other people who may need your product or services to help them. Never worry about your community standards or the viewpoints about your success. They are just a fraction of that space in your life.

I can promise you, if your business takes off, they will want to know more about how you did it. People come around when success hits them in the face of diversity. Failure is success if you never stop learning from it. Success was built from failure in other people’s lives around the world. Most millionaires and Billionaires have failed repeatedly. Thes talking points would never become known in the public's eye because it would look bad for their own business structures. Failure stinks, but you can pull through it if you know that one day your business ideas will succeed.

Get the heck away from toxic people. I live alone in a small cabin on land I own outright. I owe no debt other than college loans. Choosing to get away from toxic people was a hard choice. People will talk you down, laugh at you, make fun of your dreams to fill the void from their own failed attempts. People can be mean as heck, and without structure in their own lives, they will always carry the torch of failure.

People who never see your success as anything, but a hobby should never be in your inner circle. Family members are the worst at this, family members mean well, but they do not see what you see in the future. They only see what is right in front of them.

Anyone who wants something bad enough will achieve it. If you focus your life on what others say you should be doing you will never achieve success in business.

About My life and why you have no reason, you cannot achieve success.

Life is hard but with the right mindset, you can do whatever you want to do with it. My life has been a struggle from the early age of 13 years old. My real father died when I was 8 years old. I was abused from the age of 8 till I was 13 years old. The crimes against me were covered up by my town and the police in it. No one was ever charged with a single crime because they are friends with the government officials in this town on social media. My stepfather died when I was 16 of lung cancer, and my other stepfather died when I was 29. I had lived in poverty most of my life, having just enough to keep food on the table. My PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) gets the best of me to this day, but nothing in this world will slow my success down. Not everyone has a silver spoon or fork in their mouth in life. Poverty and I were best friends for most of my life.

It was hard seeing others around me living a nice life, having dad and mom around for the most of it. My mom died a couple of years ago, leaving my world shattered. I have been to mental institutions for multiple attempts at suicide by hanging and cutting my wrists (PTSD Related). My life was not good for a long time growing up. Not having support from family and (local) friends is hard to shake sometimes. They may say they support me, but it never shows when it counts the most. I never get the words (I am proud of you, or your last book was amazing) (Mary Thank you for believing in me). I have been in college now for the last 3 years, and no one ever says anything about my accomplishments there.

It does not matter who stands united with you. It matters if you believe yourselves enough. Stop blaming society for your failures. You need to focus on your future now...time will not wait for you.

You may relate to what I am describing in this last message to you about life. Nothing is easy because most of my life has been terrible without support for success. There have been times I have wanted to quit trying, but there is something inside of me that will never quit. My mind had been made up to the point of succeeding no matter the cost.

You can achieve success if you allow yourselves to focus on your inner growth. Stop listening to people that want to see you fail. If others are around that do not support your vision for success...they are the problem; you must get away from.

Believe in yourselves ‘even when no one else around your will. It is only then you will see your future success grow to unbelievable proportions. Never let the problems of your past determine the outcome of your future.

Thank you, world.

The Coffee Drinker.

Added Note:

If you believe you can do will do it.

It never took a single person to believe in my just took me believing it could happen.

  • Electrical Engineering Degree

  • Masonry Degree

  • GED

  • Soon To Be (College Degree at Post University) Bachelor of Science.

  • Written and Published (3) paperbacks

  • Written and Published (5 E-books)

  • Branded Website (The Coffee Drinker) (

  • Blog (

  • Photography account ( (over 25,000 views)

  • Upcoming Book Release (The Red Door) November 2022.

  • Upcoming E-book Release (Poverty-Driven Success) December 2022.

  • The Coffee Drinker Morning Show Podcast on (Podbean) (March 26th, 2022

  • Upcoming Recliner Parts website (May 2022).

  • Upcoming YouTube Channel about (Riverbank Fishing) September 2022.

  • Upcoming ‘The Prayer Hour Podcast on (Podbean) March 27nd, 2022.

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