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Why Hotel Coffee Tastes Bad

Have you ever stayed in a hotel room, to wake in the morning knowing your day was going to be great? Once you gather your thoughts and rise from your bed to make your free coffee the hotel left on your desk or counter. After waiting for a few minutes, you grab the cup of ‘hot’ coffee and take a small sip. The thoughts racing through your mind are liking nothing you have ever felt before. The taste of your coffee is like drinking toilet water. After pouring the rest of the coffee down the sink drain, you head out the door to find a good cup of joe.

Having had this experience before, I can tell you this is exactly what happens unless you make a few changes. I researched these issues over the past couple of days, and can finally tell you why your coffee tastes like crap.

We will research this issue in the United States. I will also help you in considering other options on your coffee intake in the mornings when staying in hotels.

The main thing to think about when drinking water from hotels across America is that most all sources are tap water. When dealing with this type of water, you will get impurities inside the water. Chlorine is used in city water to kill bacteria growth in the water. This also helps with the water spots in hotel tiles. It is easier to clean than not using chlorine in the water supply. This chemical leaves a bitter taste when drinking this water regularly.

If you make your coffee in the morning, regardless of what coffee you use, it will taste like crap most of the time. My option is to bring bottled water with you or grab a couple of gallons of water from your local store. This would solve your whole problem with coffee tasting bad in your hotel rooms.

It is not the quality of coffee they give you for free, but the water that is being used to make that coffee. Do not get me wrong, the regular off-brand coffee does not taste as good as name brand coffee you normally drink. Yet it is doable with the right water added to the coffee maker.

Five Star Reviews on This water below.

Remember, the water you are using from the hotel rooms is the reasoning behind your coffee tasting terrible.

I will link water you can buy online that is natural and healthy for you. If you enjoy coffee as much as I do, then you can relate to it being a must to have the best cup of coffee you can have. The morning will represent how well or bad your day goes. If you wake up with a bad cup of coffee, then your day will go terrible.

Bypass worrying about the water in your coffee. This is high energy and great tasting.

Did you know that over time Chlorine can cause certain Cancers, Heart problems, and other illnesses? This must be added to the water supply but does cause problems with our bodies after drinking it for years. I will add a link at the end of this Blog that helps explain this problem a bit more. The information helps others be informed about problems associated with tap water (city).

If you have a concern about your tap water and the chemicals that could be in them. You can look up the EPA and FDA websites to get complete information on your local water supply. This could help you in determining if you should or should not drink the water. I will also link these websites below this post.

Hopefully, this post helps you understand why hotel coffee tastes terrible when using their sourced water supplies.

Our next post will be about the benefits of drinking coffee daily




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